OLD Communication (CC2.a)

Different Types of Communication Course Description:

CHW students will learn about different types of communication that may be implemented when working in their communities. This course focuses on therapeutic communication as a strategy used by nurses to advance the physical and emotional well-being of patients. The roles of nurses and CHWs are different; however, a major similarity is that both professions work with people who may find themselves in a state of vulnerability due to their personal health or other issues related to the social determinants of health. The course will also discuss the importance of empathy and how it relates to interpersonal communication.

Course Topics:

1) Different types of communication
2) Components of Therapeutic Communication
3) Empathy
4) Preferred communication terms and phrases regarding mental health

Intercultural Communication Course Description:

Intercultural communication is an approach that focuses on the recognition and respect of cultural differences in our environment. It seeks the goal of mutual adaptation and supports the development of intercultural sensitivity on the part of individuals and organizations to enable empathic understanding and competent coordination of action across cultural differences. Learning about intercultural communication is essential to CHWs because of the diversity of the populations that they serve.

Course Topics:

1) Intercultural Communication definition
2) Elements of culture
3) Factors that affect intercultural communication
4) Value of cultural diversity

Learning Objectives:

1) The CHW student will learn how to use language confidently
2) The CHW student will understand how to use language in ways that engage and motivate
3) The CHW student will learn how to communicate using plain and clear language
4) The CHW student will learn how to communicate with empathy
5) The CHW student will know how to listen actively
6) The CHW student will understand how to communicate with the community served
7) The CHW student will learn how to implement interviewing techniques
8) The CHW student will understand how to work in ways that increase individual empowerment

Core Competencies:

1. Communication
1a. Using language confidently
1b. Using language in ways that engage and motivate
1c. Communicating using plain and clear language
1d. Communicating with empathy
1e. Listening actively
1h. Communication with the community served
2. Relationship-Building
2c. Using interviewing techniques (e.g. motivational interviewing)
2f. Practicing cultural humility
4. Capacity Building
4b. Working in ways that increase individual and community empowerment

If you have any questions about the course, please contact Silvia Juarez-Berrios at silvia.juarezberrios@maricopa.gov
  • Different_Types_of_Communicaton1.pptx
  • Unit 1: What is empathy?
  • It's time to stop using these phrases when it comes to mental illness
  • Types of Nonverbal Communication
  • Therapeutic Communication Quiz: Due on 8/29 at 11:59 pm
  • *Extra Credit: Intercultural Communication
  • Intercultural Communication Presentation
  • Cultural Diversity: The Sum of Our Parts | Hilda Mwangi | TEDxUCSD
  • Intercultural Communication Quiz: Due on 8/29 at 11:59 pm
  • Post Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever